Hiring the Right Talent

How It Can Make or Break Your Business In the competitive landscape of small businesses, hiring the right talent is not just important—it’s essential. The success or failure of a business often hinges on the quality of its employees. This makes the hiring process one of the most critical...

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Elevating Small Business Success:

The Impact of Concierge Services in Skills-Based Talent Gardening In today’s competitive business environment, small businesses face a unique set of challenges when it comes to hiring and retaining top talent. With limited resources and time, traditional recruiting methods often fall short of...

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The Beacon: August 2024

How can skills simplify your business and your life?​ As a small business owner, I know the daily juggle of numerous responsibilities, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiencies are crucial. Adopting a skills-based hiring model can significantly simplify both business operations and...

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Interview Tips for Small Business Owners 

Interviewing candidates is a crucial step in the hiring process for small business owners. Preparing in advance is essential; review the candidate’s paperwork, prepare a list of relevant questions, and understand the role’s requirements and the qualities you’re looking for in a candidate. Creating...

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The Beacon: July 2024

The definition of diverse is showing a great deal of variety. “Diverse ability” refers to the range of skills, perspectives, and capabilities that individuals with disabilities bring to the workplace. It emphasizes valuing the unique contributions that individuals with diverse...

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Freedom to Focus

As we look forward to celebrating our country’s Independence Day and our freedom, let’s explore how skills-based hiring can empower small business owners with more freedom to focus on several critical aspects that contribute to long-term success and growth: Strategic Planning: Owners can dedicate...

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