A Message from our CEO, Robyn Grable

It’s February. The month to celebrate Black History, Groundhog’s Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Ash Wednesday and other fun days like National Pancake Day (21st) and National Strawberry Day (27th)!
Throughout these days, the message to me is one of learning, love and respect. We have built Talents ASCEND to be a platform for learning to see talent differently, and to show respect to underserved talent from our military, disability and justice-involved communities. Lastly, we love the employers who are being 100% intentional in committing to diversity, equity and inclusion. We celebrate you.

What happens after you get the Golden Ticket (aka: DD214)?
Welcome to the next chapter! DD-214 in hand and giant grin on your face, you do an epic slow-mo run into the greener pastures of civilian-life. As the celebrations dwindle and your giddiness subsides, you look around and it hits you… where is everyone, and what am I supposed to do now?
The transition from Military service to Civilian life is fraught with challenges. When you joined the Army the first step was bootcamp where, as a group, we were introduced to our new culture, community, and our duties and roles within it. However, when it is time to rejoin civilian life, there is no bootcamp, and the burden of doing it alone can hit us hard. Talents ASCEND (originally known as Veterans ASCEND) wants you to know that you are not alone, and that it is never too late to readjust fire and get the career that you want with the respect that you deserve!
95% of Veteran and Military Spouse applications
do not make it to a human being.
Talents ASCEND is changing that!
Talents ASCEND was created and founded by US Navy Veteran, Robyn Grable, after experiencing first-hand the difficulties of transition and then watching the cycle repeat itself for those around her. Using her own experience as a foundation, she researched the major roadblocks Veterans face when searching for employment, and tactfully built Veterans ASCEND to remove each one.
- LACK OF JOB SEARCH EXPERIENCE. Many Veterans joined the military straight out of high school, which generally means they have never looked for a job, much less thought about getting into their ideal career field. This task is daunting even for a seasoned professional and can lead to countless hours of searching for open positions, reading job descriptions, and researching companies.
Talents ASCEND does not use job boards, and is 100% FREE. You can create a FREE Candidate profile online in about 15 minutes. Your Candidate profile will include your skills, desired salary, and locations you are willing to work. Once your profile is complete, it will begin matching to positions within the industry you have chosen. Employers contact you via email or text with the next steps for the hiring process.
- THE DREADED RESUME AND JOB APPLICATIONS. The lack of real-life job search experience means that Veterans have little to no experience writing resumes. The difficulty of this task is compounded when attempting to translate Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) into civilian terms on a resume you are customizing for a specific job.
Talents ASCEND does not use resumes or applications. Instead of writing endless resumes to fit job descriptions, the skills and traits you list on your Candidate Profile are matched to the skills and traits that employers are looking for. Candidates can customize their profile with the skills they love to do, versus what they can do. This leads to a higher rate of career satisfaction and longevity, and overall financial stability.
- CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS BIAS OF THE MILITARY COMMUNITY. Unfortunately, as human beings we all have misconceptions about each other, and sometimes civilians are leery of hiring Veterans and Military Spouses. This usually stems from misinterpretations of MOS skills on a resume, or employment gaps from moving duty stations every few years or caring for our families.
Talents ASCEND removes the human bias factor. Instead of humans reviewing your profile, it is analyzed by our Career AI Talent Equalizer (CATE). CATE is an Artificial Intelligence platform who uses proprietary algorithms to calculate and match profiles to Employers on Talents ASCEND that are actively looking to hire Military talent. They know you are Military, so there are no awkward explanations during the interview.
Talents ASCEND is committed to the mission removing barriers and bias and cultivating meaningful career opportunities for the Military Community. This FREE employment resource is available to all Military (Active-Duty, Guard, Reserves), Veterans (of all eras), Military and Veteran Spouses, and adult-age Military dependents. To learn more about Talents ASCEND, please visit https://talentsascend.com to create your free Candidate profile today. Follow and interact with Talents ASCEND on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where events, articles and insights are shared with their followers daily.
National Invest in Veterans Week is approaching!
01-07 MARCH 2023 will be here in a couple weeks.
Still wondering why you should give Veterans your full attention when hiring?

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