The Beacon: June 2023

The Beacon: June 2023

June is Safety Month. Saying the word safety can bring up many different feelings. Being military, I think of our national security when I say safety. I see our brave women and men (military and first responders) standing on that “wall” and keeping us...
LETTING GO of Resumes in 2023

LETTING GO of Resumes in 2023

Letting go of someone or something can be an emotional roller coaster.  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross M.D. explained the five stages of grief in her book On Death and Dying in 1969.  Over 50 years later, her conceptual explanation of this cycle of processing still...
You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

September is National Suicide Prevention Month.  While we are more than halfway through the month, and well on our way to October, Veterans ASCEND knows that Suicide Prevention within the Military Community is a subject that is deeply personal for many of...
The Issue with Resumes

The Issue with Resumes

Putting one’s professional history and career accomplishments into a resume can oftentimes feel overwhelming. It’s hard enough to summarize job titles, skills, and performance in a limited number of bullet points let alone having to recall the endless contributions...