Interview Tips for Small Business Owners 

Interviewing candidates is a crucial step in the hiring process for small business owners. Preparing in advance is essential; review the candidate’s paperwork, prepare a list of relevant questions, and understand the role’s requirements and the qualities you’re looking for in a candidate. Creating...

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The Beacon: July 2024

The definition of diverse is showing a great deal of variety. “Diverse ability” refers to the range of skills, perspectives, and capabilities that individuals with disabilities bring to the workplace. It emphasizes valuing the unique contributions that individuals with diverse...

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Freedom to Focus

As we look forward to celebrating our country’s Independence Day and our freedom, let’s explore how skills-based hiring can empower small business owners with more freedom to focus on several critical aspects that contribute to long-term success and growth: Strategic Planning: Owners can dedicate...

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Small Business Longevity: Thriving Through the Years

Running a small business can be both exhilarating and challenging. While many small businesses struggle to survive past their first few years, some manage to thrive for decades. What sets these long-lasting businesses apart? Several key factors contribute to small business longevity.  Building and...

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The Beacon: June 2024

Summer is a season that bursts with warmth, both from the sun and the company of loved ones. It is a time when families and friends come together, free from the rigors of school schedules and the hustle of everyday work life. This break in routine offers a unique opportunity to create lasting...

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Why a Skills Based Model is Best

Robyn GrableFounder and CEO of Talents ASCEND In its list of top workplace predictions for 2023, consultancy firm Gartner said “skills-based hiring rather than degree requirements will dominate at successful companies.”  According to McKinsey, “hiring for skills is five times more predictive of...

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The Beacon: May 2024

May is the month of remembrance. This year is especially difficult for me as I’ve had personal family members pass away. One served in the Navy and died by suicide, and one was a long-time caretaker of a Vietnam veteran whose selfless service took her way too soon.​   Memorial Day is...

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The Beacon: April 2024

April showers… the saying goes. We are showered with blessings and truly grateful for the two SkillBridge interns who chose to spend their time with Talents ASCEND. Thank you to Tatiana and Rachelle.​ ​ April is also the month to recognize and appreciate volunteers. There are many...

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