Talents ASCEND proudly announces their partnership with Trusaic. As businesses look more toward skills-based hiring, another antiquated practice is also getting a much-needed overhaul: pay equity.
Soon after the initial cloud of the pandemic cleared, a new yet old problem began to re-emerge. Companies laid off millions of employees, everyone worked from home and found a new way of life. One that afforded them better integration between work and home. Racial injustices drove the need to look at how we treat people and employees started asking for more, rightfully so. In this new partnership, a skills-based hiring solution combines with a pay equity process and tackles the resolution head on. Trusaic is solving HR’s most complex challenges and helping companies assess their gaps, create sustainable paths to equity and increase compliance. Talents ASCEND is also solving complex challenges for HR in talent sourcing, onboarding, and retention through their proprietary AI that drives diversity, equity, and inclusion.
“Business in the 21st century runs on data. Just like a mosaic, data comes in all shapes and forms, structured and unstructured….”, Robert Sheen, Trusaic CEO
Being a women-owned entrepreneur and U.S. military veteran, Talents ASCEND’s CEO has experienced first-hand underemployment when her skills were minimized, simply because she is a female. Wages for women in the workforce are 82% of their male counterparts. Less than half of Americans have their degree, yet employers filter applicants out with no degree and pay more for college graduates, despite observing no difference in job performance between graduates and nongraduates. Leaving very skilled minority candidates out in the cold. Breaking these barriers for underserved talent from the military, disability and justice-involved communities is the mission of Talents ASCEND. The partnership with Trusaic will help employers be even more successful in attracting, sourcing and retaining the skilled talent they need. No matter when, where or how their skills are acquired. They will be valued. No matter gender or background. They will be paid equitably.
“Making sure people are valued and paid for their skills is at the core of our work throughout the ASCEND brand,” says Robyn Grable, CEO and Founder. “Every human being deserves the opportunity to thrive and receive their worth for what they bring to the table. This partnership with Trusaic is vital to that message. We are thrilled to work with Trusaic.”
About Talents ASCEND:
Talents ASCEND is an AI-powered talent sourcing platform that is breaking the cycle of traditional exclusionary hiring practices through AI powered talent sourcing. With an intentional sourcing model, we match candidates by aligning skills, location and salary requirements with the needs of employers. This innovative way of connecting candidates with career opportunities removes the barriers and bias of resumes, while reducing the cost and improving the quality of hires. Talents ASCEND was founded as Veterans ASCEND in 2018 by CEO, Robyn Grable, a Navy Veteran with over 30 years in human capital management. To learn more, visit: https://talentsascend.com
About Trusaic:
At Trusaic, we believe the workplace should work for everyone. We are a workplace equity technology company committed to advancing social good by helping organizations achieve pay equity, foster a more diverse and inclusive workforce, assist economically disadvantaged individuals with finding work, and ensure employee access to affordable healthcare. With data-driven, people-centered solutions designed to solve HR’s most complex workforce challenges, our mission is to create a better working world. To learn more, visit: https://trusaic.com the mission of Talents ASCEND. The partnership with Trusaic will help employers be even more successful in attracting, sourcing and retaining the skilled talent they need. No matter when,where or how their skills are acquired. They will be valued. No matter gender or background.They will be paid equitably. “Making sure people are valued and paid for their skills is at the core of our work throughout theASCEND brand,” says Robyn Grable, CEO and Founder. “Every human being deserves theopportunity to thrive and receive their worth for what they bring to the table. This partnershipwith Trusaic is vital to that message. We are thrilled to work with Trusaic.”
###About Talents ASCEND: Talents ASCEND is an AI-powered talent sourcing platform that is breaking the cycle of traditional exclusionary hiring practices through AI powered talent sourcing. With an intentional sourcing model, we match candidates by aligning skills, location and salary requirements with the needs of employers. This innovative way of connecting candidates with career opportunities removes the barriers and bias of resumes, while reducing the cost and improving the quality of hires. Talents ASCEND was founded as Veterans ASCEND in 2018 by CEO, Robyn Grable, a Navy Veteran with over 30 years in human capital management. To learn more, visit: https://talentsascend.comAbout Trusaic: At Trusaic, we believe the workplace should work for everyone. We are a workplace equity technology company committed to advancing social good by helping organizations achieve pay equity, foster a more diverse and inclusive workforce, assist economically disadvantaged individuals with finding work, and ensure employee access to affordable healthcare. With data-driven, people-centered solutions designed to solve HR’s most complex workforce challenges, our mission is to create a better working world.
To learn more, visit: https://trusaic.com