The Beacon: July 2023

The Beacon: July 2023

July is the month of Freedom. Our nation’s freedom and celebrating our independence at the forefront of our minds when July rolls around. Other freedoms are celebrated this month as well. With our mission here at Talents ASCEND, to be the beacon of talent...
The Beacon: June 2023

The Beacon: June 2023

June is Safety Month. Saying the word safety can bring up many different feelings. Being military, I think of our national security when I say safety. I see our brave women and men (military and first responders) standing on that “wall” and keeping us...
LETTING GO of Resumes in 2023

LETTING GO of Resumes in 2023

Letting go of someone or something can be an emotional roller coaster.  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross M.D. explained the five stages of grief in her book On Death and Dying in 1969.  Over 50 years later, her conceptual explanation of this cycle of processing still...
Adaptability, Dedication, and Perseverance

Adaptability, Dedication, and Perseverance

Military spouses are forced to adapt to challenges that those outside the military rarely face. Between relocating every few years, managing households, raising children alone during deployments, and learning to live without their partner for months at a time,...
How To Understand an MOS

How To Understand an MOS

The acronym MOS stands for “Military Occupational Specialty” in the U.S. military. What does it entail, and can it help you hire a Veteran? There are a number of employers throughout the United States that have taken steps to hire Veterans based on their MOS, and for...